Tuesday 21 April 2009

to my honey

Posted by Nurul Ain at Tuesday, April 21, 2009 0 comments
Our Song lyrics
Songwriters: Swift, Taylor Alison;

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart

I look around, turn the radio down
He says, ?Baby is something wrong??
I say, ?Nothing I was just thinking
How we don't have a song? and he says

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again

I was walking up the front porch steps
After everything that day
Had gone all wrong or been trampled on
And lost and thrown away

Got to the hallway, well, on my way
To my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice all the roses
And the note that said

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again

I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song

'Cause our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on his window
When we're on the phone and he talks real slow
'Cause it's late and his mama don't know

Our song is the way he laughs
The first date man, I didn't kiss him and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again
Play it again, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song

Monday 20 April 2009

Hayaki Kopitiam

Posted by Nurul Ain at Monday, April 20, 2009 0 comments
pre-convo dinner was not that bad after all.Job Well Done Deenz and the gang!!you've done a fantastic job. unfortunately, something happened that night that made me so upset.things happened... (nuyin, 2009)

so, what now?

a war?

a never ending story?

or happily ever after?

I don't know..

if i could turn back time, i would rather choose either of it. get back to dinner tingy. it's great to be with friends. perhaps it's the last dinner we'll ever had as a group. today 20th April 2009, is the last day to prepare for the final exam which is supposed to be tomorrow (insyaallah).

i'm at Hayaki Kopitiam, with Paan, counting every minute to go to the opening. hopefully there's a miracle...

to my dear friend... thank you.

to my family... thank you.

to my honey... thank you.

I love you.

Monday 13 April 2009


Posted by Nurul Ain at Monday, April 13, 2009 0 comments
harini memenatkan. walaupun dh tido bnyk tapi still rasa letih. hati ni yang letih kot. otak asyik berfikir je. penat sungguh. yesterday dapat tau yang AE hanya layak dpt C or C+ je. penat lelah selama setahun macam xde makna je. after consultation ngan MR Is smlm, he gave me 2 options, utk teruskan ngan AE yang hanya keh dapat C or C+ atau buat resampling (dengan kata lain-buat semula)? date of submission 19th April 2009. skg ni dh 13th April 2009. mn sempat nk buat semula!Mr Muhaimi pun discourage resampling. takut x sempat...tapi...i choose the latter. walaupun mungkin x sempat, at least peluang utk naikkan grade terbuka lagi. xkn nk redha je ngan sume ni. kene usaha lagi sampai ke penghujungnya. i'm not giving up!!huhu.hiyah!!

itu cite AE. belum masuk cite 'kawan' lagi. well..kawan ni ade macam2 jenis. yang gembira tgk kita gembira and ade type yang benci tgk kita gembira. yang kedua tu leh dikategorikan sebagai busuk hati. bukan aje busuk hati..tapi busuk otak jugak la. kenape la ade org yang tamak dalam dunia ni. x penah berasa puas. dh dpt yang baik... mencari yang terbaik...tapi akhirnya...rasa menyesal. sejak bila plak yang 'terbaik' dah jadi 'kurang baik' n yang 'baik' dh jadi 'terbaik'? fikir2 lah. patut la ade istilah 'cina buta'. sebab manusia x penah nk pikir pnjg dan akhirnya menyalahkan org lain atas ketidakwarasan sendiri...dan akhirnya...merana...

i'm happy now.terlalu happy. selepas menempuh banyak cabaran dalam hidup (walaupun x sebanyak mana) tapi itu leh dikategorikan sebagai cabaran jugak. i'm happy but there's someone who is not happy for me...and i know who. "setiap orang ade bahagian masing2" (sue, 2009) sepatutnya kita bersyukur...i'm happy for you...i really do. tgk kawan bahagia, sendiri pun rasa bahagia. tapi x sangka ada yang x berfikir macam tu...kepada yang berkenaan, saya mintak maaf dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki atas setiap perbuatan.i know that i am no better than others but that does not give anyone the license to be so judgmental.if kita rasa orang lain jahat...nilai diri kita dulu.baikkah kita? satu jari kita tuding pada orang tapi empat lagi bertumpu pada kita. jadi...masih baikkah kita? renung2kan

manusia ada amarah. bila tertekan...manusia jadi lupa akan Tuhan. melepaskan amarah pada yang lain. itukah kita? sebab itu...bersyukur dengan apa yang ada sebelum Allah tarik semua tu dari kita. bila dh ditarik...xde guna kita berdendam. itu pilihan kita. biarkan yang lain bahagia...ikhlas...

harini mmg bnyk yang telah dilalui. bnyk yang pahit dari yang manis. maaf kerana tidak memberitahu..bukan berniat merahsiakan, cuma xnk mengheboh2kan. saya doakan kebahagian kalian...semoga yang baik2 aje terjadi dlm hidup kawan2. saya? teruskan hidup untuk esok dan hari2 mendatang demi insan2 yang ku sayang.

Sunday 5 April 2009


Posted by Nurul Ain at Sunday, April 05, 2009 0 comments
tekanan!minggu tekanan.AE dh submit pg td (luckily dh tukar sv.ngeh2~) LPG confronted me td kt kelas.siap suro tutup pintu.huhu.seeb bek dia x maki hamun.jap agi nk wt complain letter.my boyfriend plak terlantar sakit kt ospitel...cedih...nk balik dari aritu agi jenguk dia tapi x berkesempatan.bnyk sgt hal (lecturers sume pon sibuk nk ganti kelas time2 darurat neh.nk claim duit lebih ar tuh!)nk balik!!!nk balik!!!at least nk ziarah my 'other half' kt sana walaupun sekejap...xpe.sabo utk sikit ms agi.12hb ni nk balik dh (lantak la Won nk ckp ape pon). GET WELL SOON DEAR.

dh ujung2 sem ni makin HOT plak rsnya.ape taknye..bnyk isu2 yg tetiba timbul ntah dari mn. isu Plagiarism (you know who)isu rumah sewa (you know who as well) isu AE (LPG yg menyalahkan sy n tqah indirectly) isu kelas ganti (bnyk giler-x tercapai akalku)isu assignment berbangkit (tetiba je ade assignment LCA) isu tests (dh ujung sem kot...nape la lecturers x setelkan dari awl?) isu elaun (kami sume dh ketandusan pitis neh...nape la makcik2 kt ofis tu x setelkan je utk group kami dl?) isu handphone ilang (walaupon dh lama tapi still tingat) isu pindah barang (nape la x confirmkan cpt2 bila KISM n BTN? kalo dh kompem, sng nk deal ngan tuan umah.BPG ni lambat macam siput la.hal2 simple cmtu pon x leh nk decide cpt2) isu pre-convo dinner (waaaaaaaaaaa!!nape batik glam? mn nk cari bj neh?tekanan!) isu buku library (x pulangkan agi.dh dekat 2 bulan.ngeh~) n beberapa isu lain yg personal.huhu. pnt la idup cenggini.bnyk sgt tekanan. semalam abah ckp "bertenang.hadapi setiap cabaran ngan tenang.jgn stress" (Abah,2009)

sekarang ni (at 5.40 p.m, 5th April 2009), i am thinking of going home as soon as possible. semalam mummy n daddy dtg amik barang. ade gak terpikir nk ikut depa balik. nk sgt jenguk my boyfriend kt ospitel...tapi sebab tanggungjawab yg perlu dipikul ni, tangguhkan dl la utk beberapa hari.semoga my boyfriend cpt sihat n x perlu tukar ospitel kt melaka... :(

sekarang ni...i'm depressed

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