Tuesday 24 March 2009

handphone hilang

Posted by Nurul Ain at Tuesday, March 24, 2009 0 comments
sedih yang teramat2 sampai stress 3 hari 3 malam sebab hanndphone kesayangan hamba telah hilang pada satu petang yang cerah bersamaan dengan hari Sabtu, 21 Mac 2009. tempat kejadian- UNKNOWN...hmmm...tamat sudah khidmat bakti handphone Nokia 5700 berwarna merah-putih setelah setahun 3 bulan bersama dengan hamba menempuh ujan dan panas.huhu. sedih but life must go on.selamat tinggal handphone tersayang bersama2 memory card 2Gb, 150 buah lagu dan 20 gambar2 hamba berposing disana sini. (hmmm...dah x payah fikir ktne nk cari housing baru menggantikan housing sedia ada yang dh usang dimamah usia...aceh).plan terkini? ade ke handphone 3G yang murah dan ade sume function?nk kene start survey ni.aduh ;p

Friday 20 March 2009

cerita kawin dan kerjaya

Posted by Nurul Ain at Friday, March 20, 2009 0 comments
lately asik dgr cite org kawin aje. yela kan tgh cuti skolah ni. masing2 amik kesempatan nk membina mesjid. bagus la tu.elakkan maksiat, dah agak2 wajib kawin n berkemampuan, ape ditunggu lagi?ye x? dalam pada orang sibuk2 nk kawin ni, budak2 tesl cohort 2 sibuk plak ngan AE yang bakal di submit on the 1st of April 2009. there are so many things to be done. cane nk kawin neh? aduh. tapi solute kat kak rah sebab dh selesai siapkan AE. bagus la puan Munirah ni.huhu. teringat perjalanan aku sebagai student bakal berakhir x lama lagi. tinggal beberapa minggu je lagi utk aku tinggalkan kawan2 dan melangkah ke alam pekerjaan. hepi but at the same time terasa sedih gak sebab akan tinggalkan kawan2 seperjuangan, yang sama2 bergelak ketawa, yang sama2 bermasam muka, yang kutuk2 mengutuk, yang puji memuji...semuanya akan ditinggalkan. (tapi bukannya x leh nk jumpa dh...zaman siber neh mcm2 cara leh guna utk berhubung rite?)

after graduate ni mungkin ramai yang akan berkahwin. yang dh bertunang bakal tamatkan zaman bujang. yang tgh bercinta mungkin akan teruskan dengan ikatan pertunangan.sungguh2 bagus if makin ramai yang kawin tahun ni.leh la makan nasi minyak.huhu.(makin gemuk la I) singgah sekejap kat blog fatin td.betul gak kata dia, bila dh kawin, berlumba la plak nk ade zuriat sendiri. bagus2.ramai la anak2 buah tesl cohort 2 pasni.nnt leh la buat 1 team bola sepak, kalahkan bapak2 depa plak.ngeh2~

saya?hmmm...maybe nk fokus pada kerjaya dulu. tapi kalo ade rezeki, sape xnk kawin awal ye x? asik dok dating je, mummy ngan daddy pon bising dh. tapi tu sume leh diabaikan. asal hati kata mahu.huhu. :P

bercakap pasal kerjaya, i'm not going to be a teacher for my entire life. bnyk options lain sebenarnye. bukannye ape, kalo ade peluang untuk tingkatkan diri, kenape xnk mencuba? masa sekarang ni mungkin kita rasa ada ijazah tu sesuatu yang membanggakan, dan boleh menjamin hidup kita, tapi hakikatnye, dalam 5 ke 10 tahun nnt, ijazah tu akan jadi macam diploma aje. sume org ade ijazah, then ape specialnye ijazah tu nnt? fikir2kan.

takkan kita nk berada di takuk lama aje, rasa secure dengan ape yang kita ade? in my opinion, xde salahnhye kita kejar pelajaran di tingkat yang lebih tinggi. go for Master degree or even PhD. x rugi pon. if kita rasa belajar tu membuang masa, mmg sgt kasihan...jgn kerana kita nk kawin dan nk ada anak, kita xnk majukan diri kita. well...ini pendapat saya aje.x semestinya betul...u think about it yourself.

selain menjadi guru bahasa inggeris, sebenarnye ade bnyk lagi options lain yang boleh kita pilih. ade yang nk bridge contract utk lanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. usaha tu mmg bagus tapi kenapa perlu berhutang sedangkan selama ni kita masuk program ni utk elakkan meminjam duit utk pengajian? elok2 tak berhutang dgn government, nk langgar contract plak...hmmm...fikir2kanlah..

macam yang Mr. Rosli ckp dalam kelas CIE, kejarlah pangkat yang lebih besar, pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. bukan untuk org lain...untuk diri kita jugak. Sume pon tahu yang cikgu2 TESL ni laku macam pisang goreng panas dalam pasaran kerja. if rasa xnk jadi cikgu bahasa inggeris, join TV3 and jadi pengacara macam Adibah Noor, Karam Singh Walia atau Ally Iskandar. boleh jadi popular and buat bnyk duit...hmmmm...tepuk dada tanya selera.

if xnk terjebak dgn dunia glamour, ade bnyk lagi options lain yang menanti para graduan TESL neh. u guys boleh apply jadi tutor di Kolej2 MARA, Kolej Komuniti, Politeknik seluruh Malaysia. sekarang tutor2 di kolej2 yang saya sebutkan tadi akan diserapkan menjadi pensyarah tetap. gaji...? u can gain a lot than being a normal school teacher. trust me. lebih elok lagi if u guys ade Master, makin tinggi tangga gaji korang.

peluang sentiasa terbuka pada yang nk ke Kementerian Pendidikan. u guys sebenarnye leh apply jadi pegawai di Kementerian Pendidikan di Putrajaya. ada bnyk department kat sana and ada bnyk kekosongan (ramai yang nk pencen). u guys boleh mencuba, mn la tau ade rezeki, leh keje di pejabat yang ada pendingin hawa (or...penghawa dingin?).sy pon sebenarnye teringin nk keje kat ofis.ade meja sendiri, ade telefon sendiri, ade komputer sendiri, macam dalam drama2 melayu kt tv tu.huhu.ikut kesesuaian masing2.

well...pucuk pangkalnye, kene berani mencuba. ape2 pon, kita kene sabar sedikit. tunggu la pas abis contract baru la beralih arah ke cabang2 selain sekolah. asalkan kita ade minat dan kesungguhan, kita pasti berjaya. kalo bleh, bertahanlah untuk 5 tahun yang mendatang, tamatkan contract and jadi lah guru. selepas tu? terpulang pada individu. takde sape leh menjangka ape akan jadi dalam masa 5 tahun akan datang. harap2nye saya akan dgr yang baik2 aje dari u guys. :)

selamat maju jaya!!!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

kenapa orang perlu ambil tahu?

Posted by Nurul Ain at Wednesday, March 18, 2009 0 comments
kadang2, saya rasa mcm dunia ni sangat2 x adil. ape je yang saya buat, orang sibuk nak ambil tahu, well...it's my life isn't it? so why must you bother?kenapa orang perlu ambil tahu? bila x diberitahu...ade yang marah, sampai sanggup mengata di belakang. bila x diberitahu ade yang sanggup menulis di kertas menyatakan rasa x puas hati tapi x mahu bertanya. bila x diberitahu, ade yang memandang sinis. bila x diberitahu, ade yg buat spekulasi sendiri...mengalahkan ahli politik yang nk berhujah di parlimen, macam reporter yang tengah nk cari isu hangat untuk lariskn majalah atau akhbar, macam internet bergerak mencari maklumat. again... it's my life isn't it?so why must you bother? kenapa perlu ambil tahu?if saya xnk beritahu...meaning x penting untuk diberitahu...it is my life isn't it?

itu masalah bila x diberitahu. bila dh diberitahu timbul plak masalah lain. sibuk nak tahu.dh diberitahu pun still nk tahu lagi detail. macam makcik2 yang kepoh bergosip di pasar atau di depan2 rumah atau di tepi2 jalan. bila dh diberitahu...sibuk plak jadi penyiasat, betul ke tidak ape yang diberitahu tu. betul ke tak cerita tu. betul ke tak orang tu...hmmm... geram toksah nk ckp la.
dari dulu sampai sekarang itu la yang terjadi. orang sibuk nka ambil tahu walaupun tak berkaitan dengan dia pon. it's my life isn't it? so why must you guys bother?

saya x suka nk ambil tahu, unless diberitahu tapi setakat itu je la. x suka jadi makcik sindrom yang suka ambil tahu hal orang. lantak korang la nk couple ngan sape pon...nk kawin ngan sape pon... nk keje ape pon... nk pakai beg ngan kasut jenama ape pon... tu sume tak berkaitan dgn hidup dan mati saya. lagipun bukan korang yang bagi saya makan. btol kan?

manusia ni mmg pelik. suka ambil tahu hal orang.suka jaga tepi kain orang...kain sendiri terkoyak, berlubang sana sini xnk pula dijahit atau diganti baru. padahal sekarang dh zaman moden, x kira lelaki atau perempuan dh pakai seluar...kecuali bila perempuan berskirt atau berbaju kurung atau berkain batik. ikut peredaran zaman...kalau asik ambil tahu hal orang, diri sendiri xde kemajuan...x guna juga.

adat manusia, yang elok dipuji, yang jelik dikeji, tapi kalo yang elok pon dikeji dah terbalikkah dunia? jangan asik ambil tahu hal orang lain...hidup awak tu patut dijaga...bukan hidup saya.kalo hidup dh sempurna nk nasihatkan orang pon xde salahnye...tapi kalo hidup pon x stabil, tapi sibuk nk mengata orang di belakang...bukankah x elok tu? macam ketam mengajar anak berjalan lurus, sendiri jalan menyenget, macam mana anak nk berjalan straight?

cermin diri tanya iman...jangan disangka orang yang x bertindak balas tu kalah. jangan disangka orang yang jahat itu tidak boleh berubah...jangan disangka orang yang kita anggap jahat tu jahat...yang kite tgk baik dgn kite tu kadang2 lagi jahat, menikam kite dari belakang.

it's my life isn't it? so why must you bother? nasihat diterima, kejian dianggap perangsang...umpatan akan jadi pahala.saya akan hidup lebih bahagia. terima kasih

Tuesday 17 March 2009

the power of MONEY

Posted by Nurul Ain at Tuesday, March 17, 2009 0 comments
yesterday my boyfriend and i had our dinner at one of the mamak restaurant in Ipoh.everything was okay but there's an incident that really opened my eyes about the reality of life.the power of MONEY. there was an old man, wore a tidy shirt and pants and leather shoes. i guess he is around 70's but he looks smart. his table was quite close to ours. he ordered 1 roti canai kosong and teh tarik. well...the worker gave him the bill after serving him the food and drink but after he saw the amount to be paid on the bill, the old man quickly canceled the food and he only took the teh tarik. he checked his money in the pocket and from what i saw, he just have few coins...and he paid his drink using that money. the worker was angry (i guess) because he had actually prepared the food for the old man and now the man refused to eat it, so he took the bill and the money from the old man (dengan kasarnye) and left. to me, what the worker did to the old man was so rude. just because he didn't have the money, that does not permit somebody to treat him that way...

if you observed carefully, the workers at the mamak restaurant usually treat people with money kindly and politely...but the treatment is different to those who are poor. kuat betol kuasa duit ni rupanya... *sigh*

BERJALAN, MELIHAT, MENTAFSIR... there are a lot to be seen...and to be reflected

Monday 16 March 2009

going places

Posted by Nurul Ain at Monday, March 16, 2009 0 comments
well, last 2 days were the days with full of joy. on saturday, my family and i went to Changkat Ibol which is situated in Taiping, near Bukit Gantang. we went there to pay a visit to daddy's old friend (pakcik ape tah,x ingat)plus to celebrate his daughter and son's wedding. one thing to share, the menu for the wedding reception were all 'ala-kampung' style which is so much different from the ordinary wedding receptions that i've had attended. the menu are:

1) ikan keli goreng sambal (which is totally out from my favourite dish)

2) rendang daging (well...i guess it's kinda normal dish for kenduri kahwin.gee..)

3) daging kambing+ kacang panjang

4) ikan masak asam (tapi kaler kuning)

5) ikan goreng+ ikan masin

6) nasi putih (no nasi minyak or whatsoever)

7) air sirap

the special thing about this wedding reception was not only the menu but also the way the host portrayed the traditional wedding reception which to me is different. they put on the kain batik lepas as the alas meja (selalunya org guna kain batik lepas masa ada kematian..huhu). well... not only that, there was also a small hut (without any wall) built in front of the host's house. many people sit there and enjoy their lunch, just like in the kampung! kalah Ning Baizura.kehkeh ;P

after eating, we went to a waterfall. it is situated in Taiping, near Bukit Larut. the water was icy cold and my leg crammed because it's too cold in there.

puas mandi then we went home. owh!!! NO! from Taiping, we went to Kuala Kangsar to have our dinner (i don't know whether eating chicken rice at 6 o'clock is considered as dinner...hmmm...)

we performed our asar prayer at Masjid Kuala Kangsar.

before i forgotten, it's a big achievement to me as i managed to drive a bigger car (than Kancil 850), my daddy's Wira that day! (well, most of you know that i can't drive big cars because of the size...but now i CAN! thanks to my HEART and BRAIN that i managed to overcome my weakness (driving big car. huhu... like the saying 'What you think is what you've become')

well the joy did not end there...the next day, we went to Cameron Highland. it's so cold up there and to make it worse,it's raining heavily for more than 2 hours. we climbed the mountain (by car,not by feet of course) using the new road at Simpang Pulai and the view (di kiri dan kanan jalan) was owesome!

this is what they called Chocolate espire- price RM 6.90

after having lunch, my mummy and daddy went shopping (especially the vege and some tea- compulsory) and my daddy bought me a new bag (it's kinda a cute).huhu. after that, we went to several other places like the Robinson Waterfall, and also to the Post Office (which had been launched by the late Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, in the year 1956- very historical, and my brother and i had the opportunity to see the blackberry's tree at Tanah Rata.


me and my new bag.huhu

in the afternoon (at about 4 o'clock) we climbed down the mountain but before we reach home, mummy had to make a detour because the road was flooded. hmm... so we arrived at nearly 7 p.m. in the evening and we were so tired that we went to bed early that night.

going places in two days? IT WAS FUN!

Wednesday 11 March 2009


Posted by Nurul Ain at Wednesday, March 11, 2009 0 comments
another assignment to be submitted on the 14th week. it's so tiring. CALL+CIE+LCA+WILL+AE+PD. plus...still have few presentations on the way. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! stress

Monday 9 March 2009

a big step...

Posted by Nurul Ain at Monday, March 09, 2009 0 comments
yesterday was the big day for my beloved cousin. Congratulations to the newly wed, Rohana and Asri!thanks for the food. very yummy!!ohohohoho!well... apart from that there was an important occasion happened yesterday.a big step...an introduction...to the family...well...it's a relief actually plus it's settled.pass with flying colours :)

6th March 2009

Posted by Nurul Ain at Monday, March 09, 2009 0 comments

well, it was a great day ever in my life. i smiled from dust until dawn...until midnight to be specific.so, what's so special about this date?

1) my mother woke me up early in the morning to give me a new gold 'hearts' bracelet. it's so beautiful.

2)my sister (sherry) gave me a new blouse (brown blouse- my favourite!)

3)my honey treated me so well...we celebrated my big day with a beautiful crunchy chocolate cake+ Totoro a cute gift!

and that's all for my 24th birthday...i am old yet so very happy!!!huhu

Thursday 5 March 2009

close a door, open the next one

Posted by Nurul Ain at Thursday, March 05, 2009 0 comments
When we remember something, a process takes place in which our brains recover and reconstruct information about things we've done or learned.

memories are like shadows in our life. it may be sweet,sour or bitter and every memory makes us smile or cry and it lasts forever and we could not even erase it from our thinking box. there was a night when i cried my heart out...thinking that my life is not worth a cent...as i was frustrated on how people treated me...to the extend that i felt that i will never trust people no more. but my daddy said to me;

'setiap benda yang berlaku dalam hidup kita samada baik atau buruk adalah harta yang tidak ternilai. itu adalah pengalaman dan pengalaman itu seperti bayang-bayang kita.kemana kita bergerak, di mana kita berada, kenangan tidak akan pernah tinggalkan kita. tapi jangan hidup dalam kenangan. hidup la untuk masa depan, bukan untuk hari yang semalam. kalau hari ini kita dijatuhkan, kita kecewa, hatta kita gembira, itu adalah anugerah dari Tuhan. boleh menoleh ke masa lampau tapi hanya untuk dikenang, dan pandang lah ke masa sekarang sebab harini pasti ada kegembiraan yang menjelang"

if yesterday i've failed, i'll make sure that today will be a greater day. if yesterday i felt lost and sad, today i'll be happier...and so do the day after...i am not an angel, to believe that i'm the best. i am no God, to penalize people. i am me and i know what i'm doing is no sin...i'll try to erase all the bad memories from my brain today but i know it is not possible...but i believe that i have found something that is more precious than anything else... i'll open a new chapter in my life today, to forgive and to forget and to treasure the 'gift' given by God. let today be a happy day for me: to treasure and to open the next door to life...seven heaven

Wednesday 4 March 2009

hepi besday to me!

Posted by Nurul Ain at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 0 comments
Happy Birthday Myspace Comments

hepi besday to me

hepi besday to me

hepi besday to ain

hepi besday to me!

today is my birthday!!!

i'm 24 now- a lady

thanks to those who are still remember my birthday:

1) ati
2) sherry
5)my honey
6)farah nadia
9)mdm nori
11)abg nabil
16)akmal (osmet)
18)doktor herry

and to all my frens (walaupun korang x wish) thank you so much! :)

Monday 2 March 2009

taking chances- Celine Dion

Posted by Nurul Ain at Monday, March 02, 2009 0 comments
Don't know much about your life.
Don't know much about your world, but
Don't want to be alone tonight,
On this planet they call earth.

You don't know about my past, and
I don't have a future figured out.
And maybe this is going too fast.
And maybe it's not meant to last,

But what do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

I just want to start again,
And maybe you could show me how to try,
And maybe you could take me in,
Somewhere underneath your skin?

What do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?

Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

And I had my heart beaten down,
But I always come back for more, yeah.
There’s nothing like love to pull you up,
When you’re laying down on the floor there.
So talk to me, talk to me,
Like lovers do.
Yeah walk with me, walk with me,
Like lovers do,
Like lovers do.

What do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

Don’t know much about your life
And I don’t know much about your world.

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